Friday, July 10, 2015

Speech Bubble Fun

Well, it is about time I publish something. I've been working on a book and devoting my time to far too many volunteer activities and thus neglecting some things--like my blog! I am still sending fun things every other week or so to the grand-kiddos who live out of state but have been remiss in posting them. I used to be committed to posting once a week. My new resolution is once a month. (I may be able to stick to that!)

These "What might they say?" pages are a fun way to add to the conversation.This was an easy one to do because what is needed is so readily available. Everyone gets cards--especially funny ones. Instead of throwing them out after the event, I cut out the characters and then glue them to a white sheet of paper. (Pre-fold the paper if you're going to mail this in a standard envelope.) Adding an empty speech bubble allows for the recipient to suggest what each is saying. You should have heard what some of the kiddos thought these characters said--very funny.

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