Sunday, August 12, 2012

June and July 

We traveled a lot during the months of May, June and July--North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, New Mexico and Texas. Seems we'd just get unpacked from one trip and it would be time to pack for another. Still, we had a lot of fun. I also garnered a lot of inspiration for story ideas and paintings. New Mexico was especially interesting. While we are involved with SASS (Single Action Shooting Society) on a local level, this was the first opportunity for Dan and me to get out to their big match called "End of Trail." It was a great match--but so HOT. (I know, but it's a dry heat. . .) NM is also very dusty. (So why did I wear white?) Anyway, thought it was about time I add a "cowboy picture" to the blog along with some of the other pictures from our travels.

The Tall Ships Parade in Virginia
New Mexico Sunset

View from Sandia Peak, NM
At the SASS shoot